Wednesday 11 November 2009

Female Anorak Daisy

Anorak on sledge

Anorak Winter Cover Brief

Final Colour Logo

Jane was still interested in having a colour label so I applied the same concept i had with the open spiral to the new tighter spiral, with the text obviously being the same as the folded label for continuity.

Final folded label

After communication with the client, We selected the tighter spirals as these where closer to the spirals which Jane uses in her work. With design for the spiral agreed on it was a just a case of selecting one of the fonts and layouts i had already tested out.

Black and White Designs

Saturday 7 November 2009

Colour tests

I experimented with a range of different colour ways, fonts and lay outs. I really wanted this to quite elegant, the label should be complimentary to the product. Unlike other packaging it's not there to fight for your attention or sell the product to you. The product will its self will do that, my job was to make the label/logo back up their initial interest and assures the customer this is a quality product.

Gray scale

The gray Scale Spiral just look terrible, and the darker earth tones are all too dark to print on the type of card and hand made paper stock Jane uses for her labels.

Washed out colours

I then toned the colours down and added a patchwork filter over the spirals, this just looked weak, but it did make me want to take it a step further and try completely grayscale then black and white.

Label/logo designs

These spirals have been cut out of the images of Jane's work, I think the best aspects of Jane's work is the vivid colours and interesting textures. So trying to add these elements was my first step.

Jane Marrows Designs

This brief was given to me by my girlfriend's mum, Jane Marrows, who is a successful textiles artist and teacher based in Nottingham. Jane sells her designs through her website, at relevant craft/art fairs and Craft Council venues. The brief was to design a logo which could be applied to the packaging of her products, business cards and labels.
I was able to take photographs of some of Jane's pieces which gave me some nice starting points. Jane works in textiles with a strong leaning towards hand made felt. Her work has great texture so by getting some really nice close up shots of the fibres used in Jane's work, I felt (no pun intended) that I had the device instantly in place that would link my designs with Jane's. I also asked if there were any recurring themes or elements which she uses in her work. Jane suggested the spiral was a frequent design form, so I had two solid starting points for the logo: texture and shape.